saturday 16/01/2010 09:30 Carlo Pignatelli Outside Via Turati, 34 16/01/2010 10:15 Ermenegildo Zegna Via Savona, 56 A 16/01/2010 11:00 Ermenegildo Zegna Via Savona, 56 A 16/01/2010 12:00 C.P. Company Via Savona, 54 16/01/2010 13:00 Costume NationalHomme Via Tortona, 58 16/01/2010 15:00 Jil SanderVia Beltrami, 5 16/01/2010 17:00 Emporio Armani Via Bergognone, 59 16/01/2010 18:00 Burberry Prorsum Via Melegari, 3 16/01/2010 19:00 Les Hommes Via Meda, 24 sunday 17/01/2010 09:00 Bottega Veneta Via Privata Ercole Marelli, 6 17/01/2010 10:00 Frankie Morello Via Palermo, 10 17/01/2010 11:00 Gianfranco Ferre’ Via Pontaccio, 21 17/01/2010 12:00 Roberto Cavalli Via Burigozzo, 2 17/01/2010 13:00 Salvatore Ferragamo Piazza Affari, 6 17/01/2010 14:00 Vivienne Westwood Via Turati, 34 17/01/2010 15:00 Neil Barrett Viale Alemagna, 6 17/01/2010 16:00 Giuliano Fujiwara Via Pier Lombardo, 14 17/01/2010 17:00 Gazzarrini Via Burlamacchi, 1 17/01/2010 18:00 Prada Via Fogazzaro, 36 17/01/2010 19:00 John Varvatos Corso Italia, 21
monday 18/01/2010 09:30 Pringle Of Scotland Via Clerici, 10 18/01/2010 10:15 Enrico Coveri Via San Barnaba, 48 18/01/2010 11:00 Dirk Bikkembergs Corso Italia, 58 18/01/2010 12:00 Gucci Piazza Oberdan, 2/b 18/01/2010 13:00 John Richmond Giardini Di Porta Venezia – Via Palestro 18/01/2010 14:00 Etro Via Piranesi, 14 18/01/2010 15:00 Byblos Viale Montenero, 55 18/01/2010 16:00 Canali Via Savona, 56 18/01/2010 17:00 Versace Piazza Vetra, 1 18/01/2010 18:00 Moncler Gamme Bleu Via Tortona, 58 18/01/2010 19:00 Alexander Mcqueen Via Thaon De Revel, 3 18/01/2010 20:00 Alexander Mcqueen Via Thaon De Revel, 3
tuesday 19/01/2010 10:00 Dsquared2 Corso Italia, 58 19/01/2010 11:00 Giorgio Armani Via Bergognone, 59 19/01/2010 12:00 Giorgio Armani Via Bergognone, 59 19/01/2010 13:00 Ermanno Scervino Via Manzoni, 37 19/01/2010 15:00 Iceberg Via Palermo, 10 19/01/2010 16:00 Z Zegna Via Savona, 56 A
리버풀출신의 런던 디자이너 크리스토퍼 새넌 이다 Central Saint Martin MA를 졸업했으며 Kim Jones 와 Richard Nicoll의 어시던트로 있다가 나와서 카일리 미노그의 크리에이티브팀에서 2년동안 일하였다. 옷에서 킴존스의 영향을 받았다는것과 유사성을 발견할수있다.
넌 누구? Christopher Shannon.
런던 패션위크에서 머했어? 캣워크 MAN 10SS 와 이스트팩 바이 크리스토퍼 새넌이라는 전시회를했어 1월부터는 스토어에서 판매할꺼야.
왜 런던에서 남성복을 시작했지? 왜냐면 파이날로 가기전에 몇년간 지나가는 플랫폼이지.
이 콜렉션에서 무엇에 영감받았어? 디자인을 할때 앞으로의 움직임과 항상 제품의 정성에 대해서 생각한다. To design a collection that moves forward from the last, always refining the product. 너는 패션을 왜 시작하였는가? 나는 모든것의 조그만한 부분부터 생각한다.
너의 옷장의 보물은 무엇이야? 내콜렉션의 Judy Blame 작품과 내 Beastie Boys T-shirt.
사진은 Naked Lunch라는 제목의 2010ss 패션쇼 였음. 26살 여자이며 RCV를 졸업하였다. 이번 콜렉션은 William Burrough의 1959년의 소설 Naked Lunch 에서 영감을 받았다고한다. 악의적이다 나쁘다 불량스럽다 하지만 아름답다. 린다패로우와 함께하였다는 선글라스는 1991, 데이빗 크로넨 버그의 Naked Lunch 영화 주인공의 눈과도 닮았다. 끊임없이 망각하고 꿈꾸고 마약하고 탐닉하고, 기존의 아름다움과 또다른 아름다움을 옷으로 잘 표현한듯 하였다. 아름답다. 피도 뼈도 금도..
세상의 사기꾼들이여 너희들이 바꿀수 없는것이 하나 있다. 바로 내면의 본성이다. -William S. Burrough-
A visceral exoskeleton of morbid elegance – spreading beauty through an addiction you cannot ignore.
어디서 공부하고 왜 이공부를 하기로 결심하였는지? 나는 Royal College of Art에서 공부하였고, The RCA교 육받은것이 내자신의 디자이너가 되게 정확하게 찾아준것만은 아니다 그러나 내 디자인에는 내 느낌이 중요하다는것을 또렷이 알수있었다.
여러도시의 작업중에 런던으 선택한 이유는? 런던은 지금의 흐림이고, 그것의 창조적인것에 중심에있다. 나는 여기서 헤엄치고있다!
너의 디자인에 지금 영향받는것들은? 조지오웰의 동물농장 , Ralph Steadman의 악한 일러스트레이션과 같은 것이다. 정치는 지저분하다! 밀리터리를 혼합시킨다 동물 George Orwell's Animal Farm. As well as Ralph Steadman's sinister illustration. Looking at 'The politics of the pigs!' which no doubt will have a military twist with the Rankings of animals... and lots of PIGS!
In your own words describe your last collection. A Russian blend of 'The Master and Margarita' Military attire, and criminal tattoos resulting in architechtural couture.
Describe the moment you realised you wanted to be a fashion designer? The day my, other started to make me clothes, it was enough for anyone to want to grow up as fast as possible to make my own and escape her evil design clutches...
Who is your all time fashion idol? Is it bad I just googled fashion idol!? I don't know if i have one specifically. For my design I have millions a day, but I talk myself in and out of fashion idols so I never make up my mind. A personal favourite, but for myself- Margaret Thatcher - all the way.
In a sentence how would you describe your work/style? Refined chaos.
From the recent S/S 09 shows, which shows were your favorite collections, and why? Hmmm, i would like to see a male version of the couture collection of Christian LacroixGivenchy, T-shirt prints from Krizia, Galliano's weirdness and colourful sporrans, Burberry Prorsum, and Lanvin for timeless looks.
Which new designers do you respect and why? Maria Francesca Pepe, and Fleet Ilya. Reasons being fashion domination with their amazing accessories in what seems like no time at all, that sort of thing demands respect...
If you could go back in time and experience any fashion moment, what would it be? A fly on the wall in Marchesa Luisa Casati's house would be enough for me... may well not be a typical iconic 'fashion moment'. I'm just fascinated by this female dandy - a complete vintage eccentric!
If you could get any model/ anyone to wear your clothes, who would it be - who is your muse and why? Josh Beech, he looks like a typical 'English Lad' what more could I say? I bloody love his look...
If you were to shoot your campaign and you could get your dream team of photographer, stylist, and model and do anything you wanted, who and what would it be? Firstly, I'm thinking winter shoot. Aim: Create actual real magic. Stylist: Tim Burton (if he could be a stylist for a day/night). Photographer: Nick Knight. Models: Josh Beech and Luke Worrall. On sight: Northern lights, North Pole.
Where do you see yourself/your label for A/W 09? MAN SHOW??? And slowly getting somewhere, feeling like im not, untill..... i am....
Where do you see yourself/ your label for A/W 29? Couture label!!!
Tell us any anecdotes about the making of your last collection. I don't remember much as it was all so fast and a blur... I do however remember the nights out more, its like the more 'not allowed' to go out became, the better the forbidden nights of drinking and debauchery became... I still managed to wear sequins 2 days left before the show and I'm vprancing about - no make up, shit hair, and as ever- still inconveniently dressed, sewing like crazy!
If you weren't a fashion designer what would you be? A Vet with a secret tannery/taxidermist out back...